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Mohammed Adnan Ali
Law researcher

International criminal justice is the situation of justice , which formulated the provisions of man in addition to him function (legislative, executive, judicial) after he stung by fire chaos, crime and gross violations of human rights , which  he contributed to the other is in the eruption and escalation of the flames as a result of the predominance of tyranny by the interests of political narrow , back submissive humility Regretful to the path of justice and its requirements , you see international criminal justice whose level rises as humanity rushes to the severity and cruelty of the crime , and thus the researcher studies the concept of this justice (by definition and its characteristics) modern in its origins and ancient in The consciences of the oppressed in the land , and study the scope of personal and objective , to be able through this research in the role of the national judiciary to achieve through the application of its provisions and strengthening of judicial provisions and practices that elevate if coupled with a sense of Balzamatha to the ranks of international legal norms (customary) and entering the K m important sources of law , international criminal or attractive material issued for codification in international conventions , normative is no less important in the position of the international custom center if t P Ge importance because of the clarity of its provisions and purposes, and in the midst of this study , the three Pfsolha question remains present and strongly about the position of the center Elimination National in achieving that justice (by applying and promoting it) compared to the international judiciary, the relationship that governs the two judgments together, the legal basis through which the national judiciary considers international crimes and the aspects of cooperation that govern this relationship between state courts on one side and between them and international or international courts on the other hand, the researcher goes on in a Trouhth , trying as much as possible in the discussion of the relevant legal literature study which has made itself a narrow concept of justice in the study and the tools to achieve , and formulated for itself some of the rigid concepts that have contributed to intentionally or unintentionally , Therefore, the researcher proposes some concepts for correcting the path, based on a large number of legal sources and evidence to advance the reality of international criminal justice.


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