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Curriculum Vitae for Dr. Mohammed Adnan Ali Alzeber

 Is a Lawyer, have a PHD of Public Law, IRAQ, and  His primary research public International law, International criminal law, human rights and International humanitarian law.

First: The Scientific Biography:

1-    His thesis in the Master is: (The effects of armed conflict on human rights treaties - a study in the work of the International Law Commission.

On: 10/16/2014. (in Arabic).

2-    His thesis in PhD: (Achieving of International Criminal Justice: A study of National Judiciary). (in Arabic).

On: 22/2/2020.

3-    Teaching for a number of private universities and colleges at Iraq:

a-    Teaching for law at the Islamic University of Najaf and Diwaniya for the academic year 2014-2015, for the following subjects:

·       Human Rights.

·         Islamic law.

·        Administrative Law.

B-  Teaching for Criminal law at the University of "Dijlah" in Baghdad for the academic years: (2015-2018):

C-   Teaching for the Criminal law at the University of "Turath" in Baghdad for the academic year 2018-2019.

4-    Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Middle East Studies in: June 2020.

5-    He has a number of published scientific studies and research, some of which are under publication.

a-    Author for book of: lectures on the new Iraqi Labor Law No. 37 of 2015, published by Dar Al-Sinhouri, Baghdad, 2019.

b-   Research published (in Arabic):

·       The role of the rule of specialty in determining the effectiveness of human rights treaties during armed conflict, 2016  see here.

·       The default attendance of the accused in the provisions of Iraqi law (a comparative study. Posted in al Turath University first international scientific conference, 29-30 April 2019 .see here .

Researches pending publication:

·       The concept of international criminal justice. see here

·       Characteristics of international criminal justice.see here

·       The Armenian Massacre, crime "genocide" retroactively: (Legal foundations for international responsibility).[1]

·       Closed borders and open confrontations, wide open: the challenges of International criminal justice With modern technologies and pandemics .[2]

6-    He has a number of published legal articles (in Arabic):

A_ Arbitration by the clan and the establishment of a civil state (see here).

b-    Supreme Judicial Council statement about The clan threat: between losing the legal basis and social necessity (see here).

c-    Iraq demonstrations: rise the demands instead of escalation with violence).see here)

d-   Demonstrators' demands: Correct the march through good wording (see here ).

e-    A message to Adel Abdul Mahdi's Government: About workers in Iraq (see here ).

f-     Convert the state into a clan "ashrana of state",  and the necessity of establishing a state governed by law : a study of the relationship between the state and the clan( see here ).

g-    Temporary marriage in the balance of the Iraqi judiciary ( see here ).

h-    When legal texts are born dead, honoring the dead by bury them ( see here ).

i-       Search for morals in nations !: (A comparative study of law and religion).( see here ).

j-      October Crimes: International crimes with a different national description ( see here and see here ).

k-    October crimes and the International Criminal Court: when human aspiration rises above legal reality ( see here and here ).

l-      The international community and international criminal justice during the covid 19 pandemic ( see here and  here )

Second : the field and humanitarian biography :

1-    He worked as a volunteer in the Red Crescent branch of Kufa in 2007 – 2008.

2-    In addition to a group of students (6 with him) at the University of Babylon, he was elected by A wide range of students and from various colleges to be appointed as the director of the seminars, which are held weekly at the university in various colleges dealing with various topics that prevail student opinion, in 2009[3].see here and here .

3-    He has a number of TV interviews to provide advice or legal opinion on human rights “in Al-Ghadeer channel”, worker's rights in:“ Al-Walaa channel”, the phenomenon of divorce in Iraq, and the experience of the virtual court of law faculties“ in Al-Sumaria channel ”, and the field campaigns for the displaced“ Iraqiya channel. 

4-    A human rights activist .

5-    He worked on establishing a legal association at the University of Babylon in 2009 aimed at spreading the legal culture in the social field and supporting the legal

culture of the Iraqi student.

6-    He founded a national humanitarian campaign called: "the Keys of Goodness campaign", in three governorates of Baghdad, Diwaniyah, and Najaf in 2016, the aim of which was:" It is an independent national youth humanitarian campaign launched from the belief of young people (students - graduates - professors - lawyers) in their society and their wounded homeland due to the suffering of wars, armed conflicts and the loss of basic human rights" . 

[1] To be published at the third humanities conference, University of Tehran, July 13, 2020, .

[2] It has been submitted to participate in the research contest the fourth International Committee of the Red Cross, 2020.


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